Tetartoid Cycle

Materials: Paper
Dimensions: 11’dia
Date: 2023

A tetartoid is similar to a dodecahedron: it has twelve identical, pentagonal faces; however, instead of each face being a regular pentagon, it’s an irregular pentagon. Tetartoids have an asymmetrical, organic feel to them despite having a consistent internal logic.

As the proportions of each tetartoid in this hanging installation gradually shift, familiar polyhedra like the cube, tetrahedron, and dodecahedron emerge. This piece invites the viewer to consider how they perceive change over time. From up close, it’s impossible to distinguish one tetartoid from the next; they look nearly identical. But from afar, it’s obvious how much the form changes over the course of the cycle — a metaphor for reflecting on personal growth: it’s hard to see one’s progress from too close a vantage point. Stepping back to take a long view allows for better clarity.

Special thanks to Ed Pegg Jr. and Dr. Mili Shah for their support with Wolfram Cloud.

This installation is currently on display at Heron Arts through March 25 — email tova@heronarts.com for pricing or to schedule a private viewing.